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- 10 rem commodore font editor
- 20 rem programmed by stephen reed
- 30 rem
- 40 rem if you don't want to type in
- 50 rem this program, copies are
- 60 rem available on disk with several
- 70 rem character fonts. send $12.95 to:
- 80 rem
- 90 rem font editor
- 100 rem 2404 s. myrtle ave.
- 110 rem sanford, fl 32707
- 120 rem
- 130 rem
- 140 rem ***************************
- 150 rem * initialize program data *
- 160 rem ***************************
- 170 rem
- 180 poke53281,1:poke53280,7
- 190 poke52,48:poke56,48:clr:dimr$(7)
- 200 fora=0to7:readr(a):nexta
- 210 data 128,64,32,16,8,4,2,1
- 220 print"[147]"chr$(142)chr$(8)"";
- 230 cc=1:oc=1
- 240 print" commodore font editor [160]";
- 250 print"[144][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163]"
- 260 gosub510:rem get e window
- 270 gosub740:rem menu on screen
- 280 gosub920:rem display characters
- 290 gosub1070:rem update scrn for cc
- 300 ifpeek(12288)=60then430
- 310 rem
- 320 rem ***************************
- 330 rem * download rom characters *
- 340 rem ***************************
- 350 rem
- 360 print"";o$;"please wait 30 seconds"
- 370 poke56334,peek(56334)and254
- 380 poke1,peek(1)and251
- 390 fora=0to2047
- 400 pokea+12288,peek(a+53248):next
- 410 poke1,peek(1)or4
- 420 poke56334,peek(56334)or1:gosub1070
- 430 gosub740
- 440 poke53272,(peek(53272)and240)+12
- 450 gosub1390:ifa$<"0"ora$>"9"then450
- 460 a=val(a$):ifa=0thena=10
- 470 onagosub1700,1890,2070,2430,2620,2750,2920,3010,3170,3240
- 480 goto 450
- 490 rem
- 500 rem ******************************
- 510 rem * put edit window on screen *
- 520 rem ******************************
- 530 rem
- 540 print" [144]";
- 550 print" 12345678 "
- 560 print" [156][205] [206][144] "
- 570 print" [156] [205] [206] [144] "
- 580 print" 1[156] [146] [144]1"
- 590 print" 2[156] [146] [144]2"
- 600 print" 3[156] [146] [144]3"
- 610 print" 4[156] [146] [144]4"
- 620 print" 5[156] [146] [144]5"
- 630 print" 6[156] [146] [144]6"
- 640 print" 7[156] [146] [144]7"
- 650 print" 8[156] [146] [144]8"
- 660 print" [156] [206] [205] [144] "
- 670 print" [156][206] [205][144] "
- 680 print" 12345678 [146]":return
- 690 rem
- 700 rem ***************************
- 710 rem * put main menu on screem *
- 720 rem ***************************
- 730 rem
- 740 print"*** menu ***[144]"
- 750 o$=""
- 760 print:printo$;"1] save font"
- 770 printo$;"2] load font"
- 780 printo$;"3] edit character"
- 790 printo$;"4] move characters"
- 800 printo$;"5] swap characters"
- 810 printo$;"6] inverse characters"
- 820 printo$;"7] get rom characters"
- 830 printo$;"8] display data values"
- 840 printo$;"9] decrement display"
- 850 printo$;"0] increment display"
- 860 print:printo$;" select option? ":return
- 870 rem
- 880 rem ******************************
- 890 rem * put character data on line *
- 900 rem ******************************
- 910 rem
- 920 print"";
- 930 print" ";
- 940 print"[144]@abcdefghijklmno";
- 950 print"pqrstuvwxyz[\]^_ !"+chr$(34)+"#$%&'()*+,-./01234567";
- 960 print"89:;<=>?[192][193][194][195][196][197][198][199][200][201][202][203][204][205][206][207][208][209][210][211][212][213][214][215][216][217][218][219][220][221][255][223]"
- 970 fora=94to255
- 980 poke1024+18*40+24+a,a
- 990 poke55296+18*40+24+a,0
- 1000 next
- 1010 printchr$(146):return
- 1020 rem
- 1030 rem ******************************
- 1040 rem * put current data on screen *
- 1050 rem ******************************
- 1060 rem
- 1070 poke55296+18*40+oc+24,0:oc=cc
- 1080 poke55296+18*40+cc+24,2
- 1090 print"[156]code ";right$(str$(cc),len(str$(cc))-1);
- 1100 ifcc<10thenprint" "
- 1110 ifcc<100thenprint" "
- 1120 print"[146]";:fora=0to7:p$=""
- 1130 b=peek(12288+a+(cc*8))
- 1140 ifb=>128thenzp=1:b=b-128
- 1150 gosub1320
- 1160 ifb=>64thenzp=1:b=b-64
- 1170 gosub1320
- 1180 ifb=>32thenzp=1:b=b-32
- 1190 gosub1320
- 1200 ifb=>16thenzp=1:b=b-16
- 1210 gosub1320
- 1220 ifb=>8thenzp=1:b=b-8
- 1230 gosub1320
- 1240 ifb=>4thenzp=1:b=b-4
- 1250 gosub1320
- 1260 ifb=>2thenzp=1:b=b-2
- 1270 gosub1320
- 1280 ifb=1thenzp=1
- 1290 gosub1320
- 1300 print"[144]";p$:nexta
- 1310 return
- 1320 ifzp=1thenp$=p$+"[209]":zp=0:return
- 1330 p$=p$+" ":return
- 1340 rem
- 1350 rem ***************************
- 1360 rem * scan keyboard for input *
- 1370 rem ***************************
- 1380 rem
- 1390 geta$:ifa$=""then1390
- 1400 return
- 1410 rem
- 1420 rem ***************************
- 1430 rem * erase menu area *
- 1440 rem ***************************
- 1450 rem
- 1460 print"";
- 1470 fora=0to13
- 1480 printo$;" "
- 1490 nexta:return
- 1500 rem
- 1510 rem ***************************
- 1520 rem * formatted numeric input *
- 1530 rem ***************************
- 1540 rem
- 1550 print"[172][172][172][157][157][157]";:z=0:b$=""
- 1560 fora=1to3:gosub1600:ifz=1then1580
- 1570 next
- 1580 w=val(b$):ifw>255thenprint"[157][157][157]";:goto1550
- 1590 return
- 1600 gosub1390
- 1610 ifa$=chr$(13)thenz=1:return
- 1620 ifa$<"0"ora$>"9"then1600
- 1630 b$=b$+a$
- 1640 printa$;:return
- 1650 rem
- 1660 rem **************************
- 1670 rem * save font data to disk *
- 1680 rem **************************
- 1690 rem
- 1700 gosub1430
- 1710 print""o$" ...save data...[144]"
- 1720 print:print""o$"filespec";
- 1730 inputn$:iflen(n$)>8then1700
- 1740 open 1,8,12,n$+",p,w"
- 1750 print#1,chr$(0)+chr$(48);
- 1760 fori=0to255
- 1770 print""o$"";i
- 1780 b$=""
- 1790 forj=0to7
- 1800 b$=b$+chr$(peek(12288+j+i*8)):next
- 1810 print#1,b$;
- 1820 nexti:close1:gosub1430
- 1830 gosub740:return
- 1840 rem
- 1850 rem ****************************
- 1860 rem * load font data from disk *
- 1870 rem ****************************
- 1880 rem
- 1890 gosub1430
- 1900 print""o$" ...load data...[144]"
- 1910 print:print""o$"filespec";
- 1920 inputn$:iflen(n$)>8then1700
- 1930 open 1,8,12,n$+",p,r"
- 1940 get#1,a$,a$
- 1950 fori=0to255
- 1960 print""o$"";i
- 1970 forj=0to7
- 1980 get#1,a$:a=0:ifa$<>""thena=asc(a$)
- 1990 poke12288+j+i*8,a:nextj
- 2000 nexti:close1:gosub1430
- 2010 gosub740:return
- 2020 rem
- 2030 rem **************************
- 2040 rem * edit character routine *
- 2050 rem **************************
- 2060 rem
- 2070 gosub1430
- 2080 print""o$"[156] edit character[144]"
- 2090 print:printo$"character # ";:gosub1550
- 2100 cc=w:gosub1070
- 2110 gosub1430:print""o$;"[156]edit character[144]"
- 2120 print:printo$"[e] erase buffer"
- 2130 printo$"[*]/[.] set pixel"
- 2140 printo$"[space] reset pixel":printo$"[return] finished"
- 2150 print:print:printo$" cursor keys move"
- 2160 printo$" editing cursor."
- 2170 x=4:y=4:g=1:gosub2350
- 2180 gosub1390:ifa$="e"thengosub2410:goto2180
- 2190 ifa$=" "theng=3:gosub2350:goto2180
- 2200 ifa$="*"ora$="."theng=2:gosub2350:goto2180
- 2210 ifa$=chr$(13)then2280
- 2220 ifa$<>"[145]"anda$<>""anda$<>"[157]"anda$<>""then2180
- 2230 ifa$="[145]"andy>1theng=0:gosub2400:y=y-1:gosub2350:goto2180
- 2240 ifa$=""andy<8theng=0:gosub2400:y=y+1:gosub2350:goto2180
- 2250 ifa$=""andx<8theng=0:gosub2400:x=x+1:gosub2350:goto2180
- 2260 ifa$="[157]"andx>1theng=0:gosub2400:x=x-1:gosub2350:goto2180
- 2270 goto 2180
- 2280 fora=0to7
- 2290 gosub2320:rem get byte in b
- 2300 poke12288+(cc*8)+a,b:nexta
- 2310 gosub1070:gosub1430:gosub740:return
- 2320 b=0:forr=0to7
- 2330 u=peek(1268+(a*40)+r):ifu=87oru=81thenb=b+r(r)
- 2340 nextr:return
- 2350 x$="":y$="":print"";left$(x$,x);left$(y$,y);
- 2360 ifg=2thenprint"[144][209]":g=1:gosub2350:return
- 2370 ifg=3thenprint"[144] ":g=1:gosub2350:return
- 2380 k=peek(1227+x+y*40):ifk=81thenprint"[215]":return
- 2390 print"+":return
- 2400 poke1227+x+y*40,k:poke55499+x+y*40,0:return
- 2410 print"";:fora=1to8:print" "
- 2420 nexta:g=1:k=32:gosub2350:return
- 2430 gosub1430
- 2440 print""o$"starting char ";
- 2450 gosub1550:m1=w
- 2460 print:printo$"ending char ";:gosub1550
- 2470 m2=w
- 2480 print:printo$"move to char ";:gosub1550
- 2490 ifm1>m2then2430
- 2500 ifw<=m2 andw=>m1 then 2430
- 2510 print:printo$;" ...moving...[144]"
- 2520 fora=0to(m2-m1)
- 2530 forb=0to7
- 2540 poke12288+b+(a+w)*8,peek(12288+b+(a+m1)*8)
- 2550 nextb,a
- 2560 gosub1430:gosub740:return
- 2570 rem
- 2580 rem ****************************
- 2590 rem * swap character data subr *
- 2600 rem ****************************
- 2610 rem
- 2620 gosub1430:print"[144]"o$"starting char ";:gosub1550:sc=w
- 2630 print:printo$"ending char ";:gosub1550:ec=w
- 2640 print:printo$"swap with ";:gosub1550
- 2650 fora=0to(ec-sc):forb=0to7
- 2660 t=peek(12288+b+(a+w)*8)
- 2670 poke12288+b+(a+w)*8,peek(12288+b+(a+sc)*8)
- 2680 poke12288+b+(a+sc)*8,t:nextb,a
- 2690 gosub1430:gosub740:gosub1070:return
- 2700 rem
- 2710 rem **************************
- 2720 rem * reverse character data *
- 2730 rem **************************
- 2740 rem
- 2750 gosub1430
- 2760 print"";:ifyt=0thenprinto$"[144]reverse data"
- 2770 print:printo$"starting char ";:gosub1550
- 2780 sc=w
- 2790 print:print:printo$"ending char ";:gosub1550
- 2800 ifw<scthen2750
- 2810 ifyt=1thenreturn
- 2820 print:print:printo$" ...reversing...[144]"
- 2830 fora=0to(w-sc):forb=0to7
- 2840 poke12288+b+(a+sc)*8,255-peek(12288+b+(a+sc)*8):nextb,a
- 2850 gosub1430:gosub740
- 2860 gosub1070:return
- 2870 rem
- 2880 rem **************************
- 2890 rem * get rom character data *
- 2900 rem **************************
- 2910 rem
- 2920 yt=1:print"[144]":gosub2750:yt=0
- 2930 print:printo$"...loading from rom...[144]"
- 2940 poke56334,peek(56334)and254
- 2950 poke1,peek(1)and251
- 2960 fora=sc*8tosc*8+(w-sc)*8+7
- 2970 pokea+12288,peek(a+53248):next
- 2980 poke1,peek(1)or4
- 2990 poke56334,peek(56334)or1
- 3000 gosub1430:gosub740:gosub1070:return
- 3010 gosub1430
- 3020 print""o$;"[144]character number ";
- 3030 gosub1550
- 3040 print:print:tp=cc:cc=w:gosub1070
- 3050 print"":fora=0to7
- 3060 printo$;peek(12288+a+(w*8))
- 3070 nexta
- 3080 print:printo$;" space to return"
- 3090 gosub1390:cc=tp:gosub1070
- 3100 gosub1430:gosub740
- 3110 gosub1070:return
- 3120 rem
- 3130 rem ***************************
- 3140 rem * decrement character --> *
- 3150 rem ***************************
- 3160 rem
- 3170 cc=cc-1:ifcc<0thencc=255
- 3180 gosub1070:return
- 3190 rem
- 3200 rem ***************************
- 3210 rem * increment character --> *
- 3220 rem ***************************
- 3230 rem
- 3240 cc=cc+1:ifcc>255thencc=1
- 3250 goto 3180